Wednesday, March 9, 2011

complementary colors example

Complementary colors - colors that are directly opposite each other on the

Complementary colors - colors that are directly opposite each other on the

Both of these are fantastic examples of complementary colorsand gorgeous

Both of these are fantastic examples of complementary colorsand gorgeous

 secondary, tertiary, cool/warm, analogous and complementary colors.

secondary, tertiary, cool/warm, analogous and complementary colors.

Here we have a split complementary color combination example using patterns

Here we have a split complementary color combination example using patterns

This scheme looks best when you put a warm color against a cool color,

This scheme looks best when you put a warm color against a cool color,

Complementary colors are located directly opposite from each other on the

Complementary colors are located directly opposite from each other on the

 based on the pair of complementary colors yellow-orange and blue-violet.

based on the pair of complementary colors yellow-orange and blue-violet.

Funky Outdoor Complementary Color Combination

Funky Outdoor Complementary Color Combination

Using complementary color schemes results in more contrasted and vivid looks

Using complementary color schemes results in more contrasted and vivid looks

Because they are complete opposites, complementary colors make each other

Because they are complete opposites, complementary colors make each other

Complementary Color Scheme

Complementary Color Scheme

A fine example of a complementary color scheme. Photo: PQI

A fine example of a complementary color scheme. Photo: PQI

This logo uses the secondary colors. Complementary Colors

This logo uses the secondary colors. Complementary Colors

"Complementary Color Studies" by Sandya Shinde. 9x12" each.

"Complementary Color Studies" by Sandya Shinde. 9x12" each.

Students will demonstrate understanding of complementary colours.

Students will demonstrate understanding of complementary colours.

Here are two examples of Complementary color palettes.

Here are two examples of Complementary color palettes.

Complementary colors occupy opposite positions on the color wheel.

Complementary colors occupy opposite positions on the color wheel.

This is a good example of how stunning a complementary color scheme can be

This is a good example of how stunning a complementary color scheme can be

Starting with the three split complementary colors at the top of the page,

Starting with the three split complementary colors at the top of the page,

Complementary Color Scheme Selection. Now if there were only these pure hues

Complementary Color Scheme Selection. Now if there were only these pure hues


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