Wednesday, March 9, 2011

stroke volume cardiac output

Since, Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume x Heart Rate, it is valuable to

Since, Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume x Heart Rate, it is valuable to

Cardiac output = C.O. Stroke Volume = S.V. Heart Rate = H.R.

Cardiac output = C.O. Stroke Volume = S.V. Heart Rate = H.R.

 or stroke volume. When a person stands up, for example, cardiac output

or stroke volume. When a person stands up, for example, cardiac output

Sympathetic -- increases heart rate and stroke volume a.

Sympathetic -- increases heart rate and stroke volume a.

Physioflow - Non invasive hemodynamic cardiac output

Physioflow - Non invasive hemodynamic cardiac output

Factors that affect cardiac output

Factors that affect cardiac output

Stroke volume is intimately related to cardiac output (cardiac output=stroke

Stroke volume is intimately related to cardiac output (cardiac output=stroke

 enhance cardiac output in heart failure patients. Stroke volume can be

enhance cardiac output in heart failure patients. Stroke volume can be

 Total peripheral resistance; Cardiac output = Heart rate x Stroke volume

Total peripheral resistance; Cardiac output = Heart rate x Stroke volume

Cardiac output in a resting individual of average size is about 5

Cardiac output in a resting individual of average size is about 5

 increase in right atrial pressure, stroke volume, and cardiac output.

increase in right atrial pressure, stroke volume, and cardiac output.

As afterload increases, stroke volume falls and vice versa.

As afterload increases, stroke volume falls and vice versa.

Cardiac Output: the volume

Cardiac Output: the volume

Changes in cardiac output, stroke volume, plasma volume, total peripheral

Changes in cardiac output, stroke volume, plasma volume, total peripheral

Cardiac output is = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume

Cardiac output is = Heart Rate x Stroke Volume

 rate and stroke volume. Cardiac output increases as workload increases.

rate and stroke volume. Cardiac output increases as workload increases.

CO = cardiac output; SV = stroke volume; TPR = total peripheral resistance.

CO = cardiac output; SV = stroke volume; TPR = total peripheral resistance.

Cardiac output and stroke volume

Cardiac output and stroke volume

 underly stroke volume and heart rate. Determinants of Cardiac Output

underly stroke volume and heart rate. Determinants of Cardiac Output

SV: Stroke Volume [mleat]. CO: Cardiac Output [l/min]

SV: Stroke Volume [mleat]. CO: Cardiac Output [l/min]


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